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PhotoD with LSST: Stellar Photometric Distances Out to the Edge of the Galaxy

  • Authors: Lovro Palaversa, Željko Ivezić, Neven Caplar, Karlo Mrakovčić, Bob Abel, Oleksandra Razim, Filip Matković, Connor Yablonski, Toni Šarić, Tomislav Jurkić, Sandro Campos, Melissa DeLucchi, Derek Jones, Konstantin Malanchev, Alex I. Malz, Sean McGuire, Mario Jurić

Lovro Palaversa et al 2025 The Astronomical Journal 169 .

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 7.

Examples of priors for model parameters, p(Mr, [Fe/H]), for main-sequence stars and red giants, for four sky positions (rows, for locations see the first column) and for several brightness levels in the LSST magnitude range (left to right: bright to faint). The integral of each map over Mr and [Fe/H] is unity. The dashed lines are the same in each panel and are added to guide the eye.

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