Image Details
Caption: Figure 9.
The top panels show the best-fit light curves for night 1 Palomar/WIRC photometry with different sets of detrending covariates. The fit with the best BIC from Section 3.1 is marked at the top of its light curve. Each light curve is annotated with the derived (R p /R ⋆) from the given model. The middle panels show the residuals as the best-fit model subtracted from the detrended photometry. Background (gray) points on both panels derive from the individual images, and blue points are binned to 10 minute intervals. The bottom panels show the Allan deviation plots for each light-curve model. Colored lines with error bars denote the rms error of the binned residuals for each light curve. Solid black lines denote the expected noise from purely Poisson statistics, and dotted lines shows the photon noise scaled up to the rms error of the binned residuals.
© 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.