Image Details
Caption: Figure 4.
Upper left panel: 12CO (J = 1 − 0) m-0, and lower left Panel: 13CO (J = 1 − 0) m-0 maps overlaid with elected locations (N1—N4) to extract spectra and red colored path to extract the PV diagram in the velocity range [−22, −12] km s−1 for northern molecular cloud along with YSOs (Class I (yellow asterisk) and Class II (green asterisk)). Right Panel: 12CO (J = 1 − 0; blue color) and 13CO (J = 1 − 0; red color) spectra at the selected locations marked in the left panel. The green and yellow curves represent the Gaussian fit/s to these spectra. The vertical dashed (blue) line represents the 12CO Gaussian fit/s peak.
© 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.