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TRANSLIENT: Detecting Transients Resulting from Point-source Motion or Astrometric Errors

  • Authors: Ofer Springer, Eran O. Ofek, Barak Zackay, Ruslan Konno, Amir Sharon, Guy Nir, Adam Rubin, Asaf Haddad, Jonathan Friedman, Leora Schein-Lubomirsky, Iakov Aizenberg, Alexander Krassilchtchikov, Avishay Gal-Yam

Ofer Springer et al 2024 The Astronomical Journal 167 .

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 4.

Resulting translient statistic (Z 2; left panel) and proper statistic (S 2; right panel) images computed for zero-mean noise-only images (no moving point source). These patterns (arising from the action of the translient statistic and proper statistic on the observational noise) are responsible for false-positive detection events (at a certain detection threshold), i.e., cases of an event being classified as a detection of a translating point source when there was none. The highest peak, on the left panel, (Z 2 ≅ 11) corresponds to a false-alarm probability of 0.004 pixel–1 (i.e., a χ 2 distribution with 2 degrees of freedom) and close to unity for 642 trials.

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