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The California-Kepler Survey. VII. Precise Planet Radii Leveraging Gaia DR2 Reveal the Stellar Mass Dependence of the Planet Radius Gap

  • Authors: Benjamin J. Fulton, and Erik A. Petigura

2018 The Astronomical Journal 156 264.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 9.

Top row: the two-dimensional distribution of planet size and orbital period for three bins of stellar mass. The typical size of super-Earths (﹩{R}_{p}﹩ = 1.0–1.7 ﹩{R}_{\oplus }﹩) and sub-Neptunes (﹩{R}_{p}﹩ = 1.7–4.0 ﹩{R}_{\oplus }﹩) increases with stellar mass while typical orbital periods are roughly constant. Bottom row: same as top row, but with insolation flux on the horizontal axis. The population of super-Earths and sub-Neptunes shifts to higher incident flux for higher mass stars.

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