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The California-Kepler Survey. VII. Precise Planet Radii Leveraging Gaia DR2 Reveal the Stellar Mass Dependence of the Planet Radius Gap

  • Authors: Benjamin J. Fulton, and Erik A. Petigura

2018 The Astronomical Journal 156 264.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 2.

Left: comparison of stellar radii derived from asteroseismology (Silva Aguirre et al. 2015; S15) and spectroscopy+astrometry (this work) for 29 stars in common. Equality is represented by the dashed green line. Our radii are 0.9% larger on average and there is a 1.9% rms dispersion in the ratios. Right: same as left but comparing our radii to Huber et al. (2013, H13). Our radii are 0.03% on average and there is a 3.5% rms dispersion in the ratios.

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