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Bent-tailed Radio Sources in the Australia Telescope Large Area Survey of the Chandra Deep Field South

  • Authors: S. Dehghan, M. Johnston-Hollitt, T. M. O. Franzen, R. P. Norris, and N. A. Miller

Dehghan et al. 2014 The Astronomical Journal 148 75.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 2.

Detected sources in the ATLAS-CDFS field. Radio structure of the detected sources based on 1.4 GHz ATLAS first and third data releases along with VLA data, respectively shown with blue, green, and red contours, overlaid on optical images extracted from the SWIRE survey or GaBoDS. Radio contours start at three times the local rms value in the image and increase at intervals of . The IDs shown in the top left of each sub-image refer to Table 1. Labels shown in the top right of the sub-images represent the morphological classification of the sources: B, W, N, R, and U correspond to BT, WAT, NAT, radio relic, and unclassified or ambiguously classified sources, respectively.

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