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Caption: Figure 8.
This figure set contains example plots of the recovered SFHs from dense basis of log (M ⋆/M ⊙) > 10 and z > 4 galaxies. The blue (orange, red) panels show the time at which the galaxy formed 25% (50%, 75%) of the observed stellar mass. The starting time is defined as the start of the Universe. The black line shows the best-fitting SFH, and the thinner blue lines show other draws for the SFH; the opacity scales with the χ 2 of each fit, where darker represent a lower χ 2 (better fit). The bottom two panels show the added constraints that including MIRI observations provide. The SFHs of high-z massive galaxies are varied, and in certain cases, difficult to tightly constrain when determined from photometry alone.
© 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.