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Extensive Pollution of Uranus and Neptune’s Atmospheres by Upsweep of Icy Material during the Nice Model Migration

  • Authors: Eva Zlimen, Elizabeth Bailey, Ruth Murray-Clay

Eva Zlimen et al 2024 The Astronomical Journal 168 .

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 5.

The left column shows initial locations of accreted test particles in the disk and the planets they collided with. The right column gives the total collisions for Uranus (blue) and Neptune (purple), with the planets identified by their locations in their final configuration. The first two rows show simulations in which Uranus initially is exterior to Neptune (Swaps 1&2), whereas the bottom two rows show scenarios in which Neptune starts and ends exterior to Uranus (No Swaps 1&2). Collisions are normalized to the total number undergone by both ice giants in each simulation. The majority of particles were accreted by the initially outermost ice giant from the inner edge of the disk. The remainder of the accreted particles originated from all regions of the disk with little variation.

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