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From Hot Jupiters to Super-Earths via Roche Lobe Overflow

  • Authors: Francesca Valsecchi, Frederic A. Rasio, and Jason H. Steffen

Valsecchi, Rasio, & Steffen 2014 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 793 L3.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 1.

Upper panel: probability densities of orbital period for single KOIs (gray) and multiple KOIs (outline) for planets with sizes less than 5 R. These distributions are unlikely to be from the same parent distribution, primarily due to the excess of single-planet systems with orbits near one day. Lower panel: the distribution of planet sizes and orbital periods for single KOI systems. The hot Jupiter and hot super-Earth populations are visible as peaks near 10 R and three days and 1 R and one day, respectively.

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