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Caption: Figure 1.
A diagram of the relevant radii, being the RS, the CD, and the FS, as well as the ejecta radius R ej; the latter is the radius that the CD and RS would have in the limit that the ratio of the ambient to ejecta density were identically 0. The top right inset shows how the ejecta density declines with time as ﹩{R}_{{\rm{r}}}^{-m}﹩, where m = 2 for a steady wind and m = 3 for homologously expanding ejecta, as well as the power-law decline of the ambient density as ∝r −n and the overall variation of the density throughout the shocked FS and RS shells. The inset on the bottom right shows a zoom-in on the RS–CD–FS structure, as well as the locations of the three discontinuities in the top right inset.
© 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.