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Gemini/GMOS Transmission Spectral Survey: Complete Optical Transmission Spectrum of the Hot Jupiter WASP-4b

  • Authors: C. M. Huitson, J-. M Désert, J. L. Bean, J. J. Fortney, K. B. Stevenson, and M. Bergmann

2017 The Astronomical Journal 154 95.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 4.

Left: GMOS B600 spectral light curves in each spectral bin after removal of systematics and normalization, overplotted with the best-fitting transit models from Mandel & Agol (2002). The spectral light curves are plotted with longer-wavelength bins at the bottom, and each light curve has an arbitrary flux offset for clarity. Right: corresponding residuals for each spectral light-curve fit, with uncertainties rescaled with the f parameter. Outliers have been clipped, but the points missing around phase −0.045 and phase 0.02 are not present in the original observation. Some bands display obvious residual trends. These are close to bad columns and so are not included in the analysis. The data used to create this figure are available.

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