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Adaptive Optics Images. III. 87 Kepler Objects of Interest

  • Authors: Courtney D. Dressing, Elisabeth R. Adams, Andrea K. Dupree, Craig Kulesa, and Don McCarthy

Dressing et al. 2014 The Astronomical Journal 148 78.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 3.

Target stars with detected companions between 2'' and 4''. Each box is 12'' by 12''. KOI 266 also has a companion within 4'', but it is not pictured here because the companion is smeared due to field rotation. The color scaling is linear for K02939 and logarithmic for all other stars. Some stars also have more distant companions at separations between 4'' and 12''. We provide a list of companions within 10'' in Table 1.

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