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Reflectance spectra of asteroids not identified...

Reflectance spectra of asteroids not identified as candidates for surface heterogeneity.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of asteroids observed multi...

Reflectance spectra of asteroids observed multiple times with low S/N.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of A-type asteroids identif...

Reflectance spectra of A-type asteroids identified as candidates for surface heterogenei...

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in MITHMBAs observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in Vernazza’s observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in Vernazza’s observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in Vernazza’s observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in Vernazza’s observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in...

Reflectance spectra of unpublished asteroids in Vernazza’s observations.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

This figure shows the spectral reddening of met...

This figure shows the spectral reddening of meteorite samples in response to laser bomba...

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Left panel: comparison between the spectra of 1...

Left panel: comparison between the spectra of 1 Ceres obtained in this study and the ave...

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Fraction of heterogeneous candidates for each a...

Fraction of heterogeneous candidates for each asteroid size and taxonomic type. We empha...

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Distribution of spectral slope variation at 2.4...

Distribution of spectral slope variation at 2.4 μm in our data set. Pink: nondetection f...

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of B/C-type asteroids ident...

Reflectance spectra of B/C-type asteroids identified as candidates for surface heterogen...

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of asteroids not identified...

Reflectance spectra of asteroids not identified as candidates for surface heterogeneity.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5

Reflectance spectra of asteroids not identified...

Reflectance spectra of asteroids not identified as candidates for surface heterogeneity.

Sunao Hasegawa et al, The Astronomical Journal 167 5




  • 666549
  • 132440
  • 84173
  • 64067
  • 9597
  • 2224
  • 1395
  • 598
  • 563
  • 197
  • 128
  • 111
  • 46
  • 23
  • 22






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