Image Details
Caption: Figure 4.
Low-resolution optical spectra of the Haro 5-2A and B components, as obtained on UT 2021-11-19 with the GHTS instrument at SOAR. In the upper panels, the M2.5 WTTS Haro 5-2A component has Hα weakly in emission. In the lower panels, the accreting M3 CTTS Haro 5-2B component has a strong Hα emission line and the entire Balmer series is in emission. Lithium is moderately strong. Ca H and K are also found strongly in emission, as well as the He I lines. Finally, the Ca II near-IR triplet is in emission.
(The data used to create this figure are available in the online article.)
(The data used to create this figure are available.)
© 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.