Image Details
Caption: Figure 7.
The color–magnitude diagram for stars located within the 4 × r h ellipse of Virgo III, including the three detected RR Lyrae, which have been corrected for extinction. For the three RR Lyrae, we have also applied approximate color corrections to bring the single-epoch SDSS photometry close to the mean values. We assumed such corrections carry an error of ∼0.1 mag. The mean r-band magnitudes for them were taken from Table 3. The green curves are three evolutionary tracks for horizontal-branch (HB) models with mass (M) of 0.58, 0.64, and 0.70 M ⊙, taken from the BaSTI library. These HB models are α-enhanced (as found in many UFD; for a review, see Simon 2019), with [Fe/H] = −1.9 dex, and vertically shifted to the absolute magnitudes using the distance modulus derived in our work.
© 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.