Upper-left panel: same as the detection result of the distribution of H2O maser spots in W51e2 in Figure 6, with names of different regions being marked. Upper-right panel: a zoomed map of the distribution of H2O maser spots, corresponding to the region marked with a gray dashed box in the upper-left panel. Lower-left panel: the 1.3 mm continuum, SiO J = 5–4, and HC3N J = 24–23 emissions in the W51e2 region. For orange contours, the start, step, and end levels are 0.06, 0.01, and 0.10 Jy beam−1, respectively. For cyan contours, the start, step, and end levels are 0.10, 0.10, and 0.50 Jy beam−1, respectively. Lower middle panel: a cartoon taken from Li et al. (2013), which is used to indicate the turbulent entrainment origin of protostellar outflows. In this figure, the pwind and penvelope represent the ram pressure of the wind and the envelope. Lower-right panel: a cartoon taken from López-Vázquez et al. (2024), which is used to indicate the multilayer outflows driven by disk winds of source HH 30.