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Caption: Figure 9.
This figure shows the spectral reddening of meteorite samples in response to laser bombardment as a function of the laser energy level. The vertical axis indicates the reflectance value of the bombarded sample at 2.4 μm after normalization of the spectrum to a value of 1 at 0.55 μm. The horizontal axis corresponds to the laser energy. Data for the olivine, L6 Chateau Renard meteorite, and CM2 Murchison meteorite were taken from Sasaki et al. (2001, 2003), Matsuoka et al. (2015, 2020), and Hasegawa et al. (2019). The olivine spectrum is on the verge of maturation after 150–300 mJ of laser irradiation. As an archetype of ordinary chondrites, we show the L6 Chateau Renard meteorite because there are a large number of data available for that meteorite. In the case of that meteorite, maturation is reached at an irradiation of 60–80 mJ. A multiplication factor was applied to the results obtained for the chip sample in order to match the results obtained for pellet samples. Data from the CM2 Murchison meteorite were used as carbonaceous chondrites. The spectrum of the Murchison meteorite is in a mature state after 5–10 mJ laser irradiation. The lime area indicates the distribution range of S-complex asteroids with confirmed heterogeneity. The observation uncertainty (gray star) is taken from Marsset et al. (2020b).
© 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.