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Predicting the Yield of Small Transiting Exoplanets around Mid-M and Ultracool Dwarfs in the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey

  • Authors: Patrick Tamburo, Philip S. Muirhead, Courtney D. Dressing

Patrick Tamburo et al 2023 The Astronomical Journal 165 .

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 7.

An example detection of a planet in our injection and recovery simulation. The host is an M5 dwarf with F146 = 16.5, R h = 0.133 R , M h = 0.108 M , T eff = 2895 K, a distance of 193 pc, and an age of 2.68 Gyr. The planet has a radius of 1.24 R , an orbital period of 27.0 days, a/R h = 136, and i = 89.°9. Top: the full simulated light curve, which consists of six, 72 day campaigns, three near the start of the mission and three near the end. Gray points show the 46.8 s photometry evaluated at a 909.6 s cadence, and black points with error bars show the photometry binned over 1.5 hr timescales. The transit model is shown in blue. Middle: the first of the six campaigns. Bottom: the phase-folded data which we use to assess the transit significance. Black points with error bars show the phased photometry binned over 20 points. The transit was recovered in the phased photometry to an S/N of 40 using Equation (5).

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