About the Astronomy Image Explorer

The Astronomy Image Explorer (AIE) has been designed as a convenient and efficient tool for researchers working in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics to gain access to images published in peer-reviewed journals.  At its launch in December of 2013, the AIE was populated with hundreds of thousands of images published in the journals of the American Astronomical Society.

Images and Features

Images made available on this site are for academic use by the research community. Users are able to easily search for images with any combination of author, journal, citation, format, and key words.  Convenient tools are available to generate PowerPoint slides, download-high resolution images, obtain copyright and reuse information, or view the image within the context of the originally published research.

Images and Copyright

Copyright information is conveniently embedded in each file downloaded from the site. PowerPoint slides and PDF exports contain relevant reference information to facilitate proper citation.

The Astronomy Image Explorer is dedicated to respecting appropriate copyright and license terms.  If you have a concern about a particular image or group of images, please contact us with the relevant details.

Contact Information

Astronomy Image Explorer 

c/o AAS Publishing 
1667 K Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006 USA

E-mail: aie@aas.org


Take the AstroExplorer for a spin!

Be sure to try the search and sorting features, which were added based on user feedback; browse and find the links to videos and interactive figures in our Journal articles; find AAS Research Notes; or notice that new publishers have begun adding their figures to the AIE. Get in touch to hear more!