7 images found

Left: stellar parameters for all 234 systems us...

Binary Companions of Evolved Stars in A...

Left: stellar parameters for all 234 systems used in this work. Effective temperatures, ...

The Astrophysical Journal 867 1 5

On-sky positions of likely GD-1 members in the ...

Off the Beaten Path: Gaia Reveals GD-1 ...

On-sky positions of likely GD-1 members in the GD-1 coordinate system. GD-1 is apparent ...

The Astrophysical Journal Letters 863 2 L20

Deviation plots comparing the residuals around ...

The MOSDEF Survey: A Stellar Mass–SFR–M...

Deviation plots comparing the residuals around mean line ratio and metallicity versus ...

The Astrophysical Journal 858 2 99

LEFT: the line ratio R23 as a function of ...

The MOSDEF Survey: A Stellar Mass–SFR–M...

LEFT: the line ratio R23 as a function of ﹩{M}_{* }﹩ for the z ∼ 2.3 and z ∼ 0 samples, ...

The Astrophysical Journal 858 2 99

Left panel: galactic orbits computed for Krios ...

Kronos and Krios: Evidence for Accretio...

Left panel: galactic orbits computed for Krios (black) and the Sun (gray). For Krios, th...

The Astrophysical Journal 854 2 138

Antenna layout for the OVRO-LWA. Black dots cor...

The Radio Sky at Meter Wavelengths: m-m...

Antenna layout for the OVRO-LWA. Black dots correspond to antennas within the 200 m diam...

The Astronomical Journal 156 1 32

Top: inferred orbital period and eccentricity f...

Binary Companions of Evolved Stars in A...

Top: inferred orbital period and eccentricity for all systems with unimodal and bimodal ...

The Astronomical Journal 156 1 18




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