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Consistent Dynamical and Stellar Masses with Potential Light IMF in Massive Quiescent Galaxies at 3 < z < 4 Using Velocity Dispersions Measurements with MOSFIRE

  • Authors: James Esdaile, Karl Glazebrook, Ivo Labbé, Edward Taylor, Corentin Schreiber, Themiya Nanayakkara, Glenn G. Kacprzak, Pascal A. Oesch, Kim-Vy H. Tran, Casey Papovich, Lee Spitler, and Caroline M. S. Straatman

2021 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 908 L35.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 2.

Comparison of physical properties for massive quiescent galaxies at various epochs. In each panel, the same galaxies are shown: ZF-COS-20115, 3D-EGS-40032, 3D-EGS-18996, and 3D-EGS-31322 are shown as the blue circle, orange square, green triangle, and red diamond respectively. Quenching galaxy from Tanaka et al. (2019) is shown as an open purple circle. Brown squares represent the 1.4 < z < 2.1 sample from Mendel et al. (2020). The SDSS/GAMA z ∼0.1 sample is shown as a log density shading in blue, with white dashed–dotted contour representing the 68th percentile. Median errors for z ∼2 population are shown for reference in the upper left portion of each panel. Panel (a): reM*. Panel (b): reσe. Dashed line and solid line black arrows show the expected minor and major merger evolution for the quantities in each panel, with blue arrows showing the observed evolution at fixed σe. Panel (c): M*–σe. Panel (d): dynamical mass versus stellar mass from SED modeling. Dotted black line shows the 1v1 line for a Chabrier IMF; dotted gray line shows that for a Salpeter IMF. Dynamical mass for the Mendel et al. (2020) sample in panel (d) corresponds to MVIR from their paper.

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