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On the Accretion-fed Growth of Neutron Stars during Common Envelope

  • Authors: Morgan MacLeod and Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz

MacLeod & Ramirez-Ruiz 2015 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 798 L19.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 1.

Flow morphologies, drag, and accretion in 3D simulations of HLA with an upstream density gradient. The introduction of upstream density gradients, as found in CE evolution, breaks the symmetry of HLA and gives rise to the tilted bow shock structures seen here. The coordinates in the flow panel are in units of the accretion radius, Ra, and the accretor is defined as an absorbing sink condition with Rs = 0.01 Ra surrounding a central point mass. Flow momenta do not cancel in the wake of the accretor with upstream inhomogeniety and the post-shock region is defined by rotation. In the right panel, we compare the resultant drag and accretion rate normalized to values anticipated by HLA. We find that the drag force depends only mildly on density gradient, but the accretion rate decreases drastically as the density gradient, epsilonρ, steepens. These calculations use a gamma-law equation of state with γ = 5/3.

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