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On Asymmetric Distributions of Satellite Galaxies

  • Authors: A. Bowden, N. W. Evans, and V. Belokurov

Bowden, Evans, & Belokurov 2014 The Astrophysical Journal Letters 793 L42.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 1.

Contour plots showing the time taken for the rms Δϕ to reach 2π as a function of dispersion in position σr and velocity σv of the Gaussian clump of Equation (13) for (left and middle panels) Keplerian and (right panel) logarithmic potentials. The left and right panels have been computed by direct simulation, whilst the middle panel uses the analytic formula of Equation (14). All the panels refer to the case of a 1010M association, which is placed on an orbit with μr = 200 kpc and μv = 150 km s−1. This is tailored for the case of dispersal of an assemblage of dwarf galaxies in the outer parts of the halo of a galaxy like M31.

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