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High-resolution Spectroscopic Detection of TiO and a Stratosphere in the Day-side of WASP-33b

  • Authors: Stevanus K. Nugroho, Hajime Kawahara, Kento Masuda, Teruyuki Hirano, Takayuki Kotani, and Akito Tajitsu

2017 The Astronomical Journal 154 221.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 14.

KpVsys S/N map of H-spec with a maximum peak at Kp = +237.5 ﹩{}_{-5.0}^{+13.0}﹩ km s−1 and ﹩{V}_{\mathrm{sys}}=-{1.5}_{-10.5}^{+4.0}﹩ km s−1, which gives a 4.8σ detection. The white dashed line is the expected Kp and Vsys from previous studies. The top and right panels show the one-dimensional cross-section of the CCF peak along Vsys and Kp, respectively. The black dashed lines show the most significant signal, the white dashed lines show the expected Kp and Vsys, and the color bar grid interval is 1σ, and the white area also represents the 1σ error of the detected signal.

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