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How the Geysers, Tidal Stresses, and Thermal Emission across the South Polar Terrain of Enceladus are Related

  • Authors: Carolyn Porco, Daiana DiNino, and Francis Nimmo

Porco, DiNino, & Nimmo 2014 The Astronomical Journal 148 45.

  • Provider: AAS Journals

Caption: Figure 7.

Frequency histograms of the (a) scaled jet activity, (b) scaled time-averaged shear-stress, and (c) scaled maximum normal stress, and their respective cumulative histograms; i.e., the percentage of the total number of surface points that fall below a particular value of (d) jet activity, (e) shear stress, and (f) normal stress. The color-mapping scheme, determined from examination of the cumulative histograms and shown at the top of each histogram, was determined by assigning the top 15% of the distribution to yellow, and linearly scaling the "lower" colors to the lower stress or activity values, taking the lowest value to be either 0 in the jet activity distribution, or the indicated cutoff value in the stress histograms. These color assignments were used in our resulting maps.

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